Friday, June 21, 2013

Gourami Nipping Sunfish, Aggression Flares

I had a gourami prior to my sunfish, so I really had no choice but to have it as a tankmate with the sunfish. When I first got the gourami, all it did was hide behind things and be afraid of everything. It hid behind things like a coward and did nothing. When I put the sunfish in the tank, the gourami came to life with aggression. The gourami started going after the sunfish like crazy. Fin nipping and pushing them around. 

The sunfish are new so they had no choice but to take the aggression. I actually lost one sunfish because of the anxiety levels in the tank. I figured on one of the sunfish not living through the change and setup but that's just life as an aquarist. I have 5 sunfish but now I have 4 with the one that passed. 

Gourami Got Shutdown

The sunfish schooled up and the aggression from the gourami stopped. The entire school of them shut down the gourami and now the sunfish are in charge of the tank. I think it's sort of funny but I figured it would happen. Enough said. Just another aquarium update.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Decided on Sunfish Addition to the Aquarium

I've decided to try something different for a while and got some sunfish that I'm going to throw in my 30 gallon aquarium. I'm going tot try them with some tropical tank mates. A gourami and some Molly fish just to see how they do. I went to y local bait shop and asked how I could obtain some sunfish fry and they gave me a number through the DNR in which I could get some. This made me excited because I thought it would be more difficult to get them and didn't want to break any laws getting them from the wild. 

Long story short, I obtained 5 sunfish that are extremely small. These are perfect for my tank. At first the gourami was picking on the sunfish. Nipping fins very bad and one of the sunfish actually died because of the fin damage. I was sad to loose one but kind of figured on loosing a couple and hoping to come out with 3 in the end to keep. 

They are all getting along in the tank and the ecosystem in the tank is thriving and doing very well. In excited because these sunfish have so much personality! They feed like crazy and pick on each other in a funny manner. I can tell its tough for them to tolerate each other and get they don't like their territory being pushed. They are not hurting each other but just chasing around as of right now. 

Everything is well for now. Hope to continue with the good updates.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Best Foods for Betta Fish, Good Help Guide

After doing tons of research on betta fish I decided to make a video on what I feed my betta fish.